Solly Baby Sollyween featuring @HouseLarsBuilt


Happy Sollyween! Get tiny thrills and big inspiration from the most creative Solly mama and baby costumes for a not-so-spooky Halloween. Solly Baby, the makers of the most beautiful baby carriers for infants and newborns, teamed up with The House That Lars Built to create 5 over-the-top brilliant ensembles. Treat yourself and scroll through the costume eye candy for some fun Halloween inspo and don’t forget to share your own #Sollyween costumes as well! 

Keeping baby cozy and close is our best trick for fun Halloween celebrations. Please use special caution when using your carrier as part of a costume and be sure to use all of our safety TICKS. It is never okay to have your baby’s face covered by anything in the wrap. Happy Sollyween!
