Oil Spotlight: Roman Chamomile | @Roseview_la

Roman Chamomile has a sweet fruity herbacious scent which instantly fills you with warm feelings of peace and calm.. Each time I buy a fresh bouquet of Chamomile I can't stop sniffing the bunch for its pleasant subtle aroma. It is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs and incredibly popular as a therapeutic plant. There are several Chamomile species although Roman Chamomile and German Chamomile are the two most popular. This daisy like flower is a powerful tool when it comes to digestive issues as well as concerns on the skin and mind; such as anxiety.


Bee stings / Calming / Hyperactivity / Insomnia / Menopause / Muscle Spasms / Neuritis / Parasites / Rashes / Sciatica / Shock / Skin (dry) / Sore nipples

Can be used to treat and alleviate a wide range of illnesses and symptoms such as inflammatory digestive problems, diarrhea, constipation, colic, flatulence, distension, heartburn, acidity, gastroenteritis, peptic gastritis and ulcers, colitis, IBS, ADHD, teething, febrile convulsions, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, eczema, acne, hives, dermatitis, inflammatory eye problems, catarrh, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, PMS, migraines, tension, menopausal symptoms, arthritis, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, fevers, infections, sore throats, colds, flu, asthma, inflamed bladder, cystitis and urinary infections. 



Anti-bacterial / Anti-infectious / Anti-inflammatory  / Anti-parasitic / Antispasmodic / Calming / Relaxing



Emotional Balance / Nervous System / Skin



Topical: Can be applied neat. For children or those with sensitive skin dilute in a carrier oil 1 tbs to 1 drop of EO. Apply to reflex points or areas of direct concern. 

Aromatic: Diffuse or inhale directly from the bottle or cupping. As well as from a steam inhalation. 



Chamomile helps in respiratory and ENT infections, soothes sore throat and aids in airway decongestion. Try a steam inhalation with 1-3 drops of Chamomile essential oil or use the flower dried, place a small handful in the boiled water. 

Teething / Ear Aches

It can relieve toothaches and earaches, which for little ones can soothe teething pain! Try diluting 1 drop in 10ml of coconut oil in a roller ball to make a teething oil. Rub on the jaw line and cheek bones. For ear aches rub the same roller ball along the cheek to ear bone and then again behind the ear and back of neck. 


Chamomile can control acidity, prevents heartburns, soothes colic, supports gastroenteritis healing, regulates peristalsis, treats constipation, treats diarrhea, relieves gastritis and ulcer related pains, prevents IBS episodes, stimulate bile production. Use diluted in a carrier oil and massage over the abdomen and uterus. The massage part is key! Inhale as well. 


Promotes wound healing, especially in slow healing ulcerations, helps in skin infection and inflammations, alleviates eczema, rashes and dermatitis, mild on the skin, highly compatible with all skin types, helps in the treatment of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Also can treat diaper rash. Dilute with a carrier oil and rub on to the area of concern. 

Urinary / Reproductive

This oil can help alleviates cystitis, reduces bladder inflammation through massage and by diffusing. It can help regulates menstrual flow and reduces menstrual pain, also through massage and inhalation.



Chamomile has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties which can relieve fever and promote natural healing whilst boosting immunity. Diffuse in the room when under the weather, rub on the bottom of feet diluted and apply to forehead and back of neck for a fever, also diluted. 


Relieves muscular and joint pains, aids in rheumatism, relieves neuralgias, soothes sore muscles, aids in carpal tunnel and restless leg syndrome. Apply to the body effected and apply warm heat through a compress or hot water bottle. 



It can help fight stress and anxiety, reduces nervousness, has soothing and calming properties, supports a positive, aids in sleep disorders and insomnia, helps in migraines and headaches, helps in AD/HD. Diffuse in the room when trying to create a calm environment, especially before bed tie. Use on the body before stressful situation and take deep breaths from the bottle. 



 Induces euphoria, supports clarity, encourages connection with the higher conscience gives peace of mind, promotes emotional balance, helps in children’s hyperactivity and lack of concentration.


Colic & Teething: We swore by this for Coco when she was a baby. Make a roller ball and carry it around with you EVERYWHERE. Rub on their jaw line and cheekbones this will aid in calming inflamed sore gums. Massage the tummy once you have applied the roller ball for any gas discomfort, apply before and after feeding. It also works for ear infections and for crying babies. 

* New mothers I suggest wearing this oil on your collarbone or on the collar of your shirt, you can also rub through the tips of your hair. For the first few months this is all your baby needs in terms of the aroma and the effect. It will help with continuous crying and calming, they will breathe in as the breastfeed or stay close you heart whilst being held. *

If your baby is suffering from serious colic and gas issues, try chamomile tea. Use a bottle or even a medicine dropper. Steep for 2 minutes then dilute with one extra cup of warm water. Make sure you test the temperature!! We used this method a lot for gas. 

For teething 6+ try dipping a cut piece of organic natural non dyed gauze or muslin soaked in chamomile tea. Place in the freezer. Once frozen, run under the tap just to take the frost bite off and give to your child o hold and suck. You may want to use a bib for drool. Very cool and sooting. 

Bedtime and Calming roller balls. I have a blend which I use at night time to help calm the mind and body for rest. I also have one for day time to help in any over stimulated environments when a melt down or anxiety is at bay. It helps to breathe this oil in as well as apply to the reflex points. 

Last but not least we use this oil at home for cuts, bruises, sprains and rashes. I recently used it for a bee sting allergy with lavender and peppermint. My hand never swelled I was amazed. It is a great oil for allergies, air bourne and topical concerns. Diffuse at home or apply diluted to the skin where rashes or bruises appear. 

Email Sophie at sophie@roseviewla.com if you would like one of her roller ball blends.

Thank you Sophie!